4 Best Essential Oils to Keep Aging Skin Beautiful Plus A DIY Night Time Serum

by | Beauty, Essential Oils

Did you catch my interview last week on the power of plant-based skin care?

Camila and I had so much fun making the video that we’re following up with actionable tips on how to incorporate pure plant-based power into your skincare routine.

This week it’s all about the best ANTI-AGING essential oils for your skin!

Rather than shelling out top dollar for synthetic ingredients, we’ve got the 4 must have essential oils known for their anti-aging properties. Stay tuned till the end cause we show you how to make a simple night time serum that repairs your skin while you sleep! (It’s less than 9 minutes video so we hope we won’t bore you too much).

If you end up making the serum, let us know how it went – I use the one in the video every night! See you in the comments below.


All Natural. Anti-Aging….This is what every woman (and man) wants to hear!

Luckily for you, I did the research and found there are certain essential oils for skin that really are ‘all natural’ and ‘anti-aging’.

Add these 4 best anti-aging essential oils to your skincare routine

best anti aging essential oils

1. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense is one of the best essential oils for the skin! It’s a powerful astringent, meaning it can protect the skin from free radicals as well as help regenerate skin cells. It’s often used to even out skin tone by reducing the appearance of sunspots, age spots, and large pores. You can also use it to tone areas that appear saggy such as under the eyes or jowls.

** Can be applied neat (with no dilution) when used topically. Apply directly to the area of concern.

Try this! Find a small container and mix 6 drops of Frankincense to 1 oz of fractionated coconut oil. Apply to areas of concern on your face morning and night

2. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is well known for its ability to heal cuts, burns, scrapes and other skin conditions. This oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-fungal and anti-aging properties.

We live in a world of free radicals – a chemical byproduct from substances that we are exposed to in the food we eat, the medicines we take, the air we breathe and the water we drink (1). These free radicals can compromise our immune system and can have an effect on our whole body, including contributing to the aging process of our skin.

You need antioxidants to help combat these free radicals, and according to this study, lavender essential oil helps your body produce 3 of your body’s most powerful antioxidants (2).

Lavender may help delay fine lines, age spots, wrinkles and sunspots. Mix it with aloe vera and watch it soothe the worst sunburn.

** Can be applied neat (with no dilution) when used topically. Apply directly to the area of concern.

Try this! Mix 1 -2 drops of Lavender with 1 – 2 drops of Frankincense oil and put on skin morning and night to help reduce the appearance of age spots.

(When combining oils, it’s best to layer them so that you get the benefit from each oil separately).

3. Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood has natural cleansing, purifying and anti-redness properties due to its potent amount of sesquiterpene compounds. The astringent properties can help tighten, firm and tone aging skin. It’s high in antioxidants which can help reduce damage caused by free radicals, which promote aging. Sandalwood is very similar to Frankincense in action and can be beneficial for acne, skin infections and skin regeneration.

** Can be applied neat (with no dilution) when used topically. Apply directly to the area of concern.

Try This! Add 5 drops of Sandalwood essential oil to an unscented face oil and apply morning and night.

4. Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium is becoming one of my new favorite essential oils for the skin! It has a beautiful flowery scent and was used by the Egyptians to promote beautiful and radiant skin. It’s natural cleansing and purifying properties help to balance the sebum in your skin, which is the fatty secretion in the sebaceous glands of the skin that keeps the skin supple (meaning fewer wrinkles!). It also works as a cleanser for oily skin and may even liven up pale skin.

** Can be applied neat (with no dilution) when used topically. Apply directly to the area of concern.

Try this! Create a face Toner by adding equal parts purified water and apple cider vinegar plus 5 drops of Geranium oil to a 4 oz spray bottle.

Other Anti-Aging Blends

doTERRA has a product called Immortelle Anti-Aging blend. I recently just got it and I have to admit, I really love it.

It combines 6 essential oils that research has shown have powerful skin supporting properties that are effective at reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Frankincense – cleansing and can provide radiant youthful immortelle doterraglow when applied topically.
  • Hawaiian Sandalwood – has sesquiterpene alpha-santalol which has been shown to be mildly cleansing.
  • Lavender – a combination of monoterpene esters and alcohols has been shown in experimental research to promote clear-looking skin.
  • Myrrh – can reduce appearances of blemishes when applied topically.
  • Helichrysum – maintains healthy looking skin
  • Rose  – high concentration of citronellol which has been shown to be mildly cleansing and support of overall skin health.

Do You Know Where Your Essential Oils Come From?

Learn how doTERRA sources their oils. Add your quality ID found on any doTERRA essential oil bottle and learn the entire journey – from source to you.

I wouldn’t recommend putting anything other than 100% pure oils on your skin, which is why I recommend doTERRA products.

Lindsey Victoria

Lindsey is the author of A Life Well-Balanced, a lifestyle blog dedicated to helping people live a more balanced life - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

1 Comment

  1. Amanda

    Great article! I love to use essential oils for skin care. I really like this article so much. Thanks a lot for sharing.


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